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10 Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is a requirement in most Masters degree’s in addition to course work in order to get a qualification. A number of students find it difficult to complete their qualifications because of having to write a dissertation. However, that should not be the case. Any student that has passed his coursework can and should be able to write a passing dissertation. What are the tips to writing a good dissertation?

1. Ensure you submit your research or dissertation proposal on time. Give the proposal adequate attention and follow the Universities guidelines.

2. Choose a topic where you have adequate knowledge and ready access to information. Choosing a complicated topic to impress others will just make it almost impossible for you to complete your dissertation on time.

3. Read the Universities Dissertation Guidelines before and after writing each chapter.

4. Allocate adequate time to the dissertation. Make a time plan using a Gantt- Chart and stick it at a visible place in your home or office.

5. Improve your skills in literature search from libraries and the Internet.

6. Form some groups with classmates. This helps you have support and encouragement from fellow students.

7. Maintain regular contact with your supervisor. Don’t make your supervisor start to think you have shifted to Mars by your silence!

8. Buy and read good books on dissertation or thesis writing.

9. Find some experienced people to edit your dissertation drafts.

10. Ensure good time management! You need to do away with legitimate pleasures for a time in order to complete your dissertation on time.


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