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Showing posts from February, 2021

First Visit to the UK (Part 4): Visiting Tetbury

In September 2019, I took some time to visit old friends and relatives in the UK. This was after attending the Pan Commonwealth Forum Conference in Edinburgh Scotland. My first stop as I wrote previously was Camborne in South East England, which I have written about here. My next stop was Tetbury in Gloucestershire, the home of Oliver and Pauline Singogo. To get there, I travelled with Oliver from Camborne where we had gone to visit Mr & Mrs Eathorne. We left Camborne on 15 th September around 14 00 after attending a church service at Centenary Wesleyan Methodist Church, where Ron and Carol Eathorne worship and serve. Before heading out to Tetbury, Oliver took me to the closest beach called Gyllngvase Beach This is something that I appreciated so much for I love seeing water and appreciating God’s creation in how he has made the various water bodies such as rivers, lakes, seas, waterfalls, oceans and so on. Though we spent about 30 minutes it was just refreshing to be at the beach