Theme: Desiring God Singing (Ndanji) • I am so glad that my father in heaving •Chikondano Bible reading (Noel) John 3:1-16 Sermon (Noel) Noel preached a sermon on the New Birth He defined the new birth as having a new nature brought about by God as he changes us from the inside out. Stressed the need to be born again because: •God has said so •Nicodemus like us was born a sinner and an object of wrath. Eph. 2:1-3 •It is the only way to see the kingdom of God. Spoke on how being born again happens. •It is an act of God. •Acknowledging your sin and living a new life. Applied the sermon by asking the audience: Are you born again? Is your desire for God based on a correct understanding on being born again. He concluded by saying we must be born again. Closing hy mn (Ndanji) Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
A blog reflecting on travel and religion.