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What is Christian Education?


Christian education is education of which the basis and unifying principle is the historic Christian view of God, man and the universe in their mutual relations. This historic Christian philosophy finds its most comprehensive and consistent expression in Calvinism, or the Reformed Faith; therefore the most comprehensive and consistent Christian education must be based on, and unified by, the Reformed or Calvinistic view of God, man and the universe and their mutual relations.

Why is Christian Education Needed?

1. For God’s sake (Matt. 22:37).

2. To give expression, in the educational field, the radical difference which exists between the two classes of human beings in this world, namely the regenerate and the unregenerate.

Mistaken Views of Christian Education

1. Christian education does not mean education limited to the field of religion.

There must be a Christian view of history and science and mathematics, as well as a Christian view of salvation and the religious life. God is God everywhere, or He is God nowhere.

2. Christian education does not mean secular education with some religious features externally added.

Christian education means education that is Christian in its essence or inner character all along the line, not only in the chapel and Bible classroom, but in every classroom and every laboratory, as well as in the life of every teacher.

The Essence of Christian Education

1. The Source of Christian Education: The source of Christian education is not society as such, but Christian people to whom God means everything. Society being predominantly unregenerate and having a non-Christian philosophy of life, cannot produce truly Christian education. Education which originates from the impulse of society, or the public in general, will not consent to take the God of the Bible seriously.

2. The Standard of Christian Education: the Bible as the revelation of the mind and the will of God. A standard is a recognised authority by which something is measured, regulated or directed. The non-Christian philosophy of life finds this standard in society.

3. The purpose of Christian Education: The glory of God, and the true welfare of man in subordination to the glory of God.

The Religious Features of Christian Education

Religious Features such as Bible study and chapel exercises do not of themselves make education truly Christian. However they are essential to truly Christian education and they are of very great importance.

  • Religious features must be integrated i.e. related to the rest of the curriculum and of the life of the institution not in an external but in an organic way.
  • Religious features must be orthodox i.e. in harmony with God’s truth.
  • Faculty must be active Christians


The above article is a summary of the booklet: What is Christian Education? by J G Vos published by Crown & Covenant Publications.


LFH said…
Hi there Gabriel

Thanks for this. It is important also because as Christians we cannot and should not understand education outside what it says to us about God. Otherwise it is all meaningless is it not. We live only to serve and glorify Him.
Flolics said…
yes Mr. Konayuma
yes here we come

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